
Miami Coalition to Advance Racial Equity

MCARE announces partnership with the National Coalition for the Homeless to operate the NCH Southern Field Office. We support grassroots advocates in advancing constructive solutions to end homelessness and opposing the criminalization of homelessness.

Our Mission

Our mission is to dismantle all forms of systemic and structural racism that lead to homelessness, lack of access to healthcare and voter suppression in Miami-Dade County.

Our vision is one of a richly diverse, multiracial community in which all of Miami-Dade County’s residents enjoy the human rights to affordable housing and quality healthcare.

We view housing and health care public policy through a racial equity lens: public policies either advance racial equity or increase inequities. We focus our strategies on the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of our community in which Black Americans are disproportionately represented. In this manner, we expand affordable housing, quality health care and voting rights for all residents and celebrate the rich diversity of our community.

Justice for Black Americans

is Justice for All Americans

Our Campaigns

Miami Coalition to Advance Racial Equity

Justice for Black Americans is Justice for All Americans

Contact Us

(305) 456-0208


1611 NW 65th Street
Miami, Florida 33147

Join the Coalition