Textbooks - As introduced, prohibits the state textbook and instructional materials quality commission from recommending or listing, the state board of education from approving for local adoption or from granting a waiver for, and LEAs and public charter schools from adopting or using textbooks and instructional materials or supplemental instructional materials that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender issues or lifestyles. - Amends TCA Title 49.
  • Bill History
  • Amendments
  • Video
  • Summary
  • Fiscal Note
  • Votes
  • Actions For HB0800Date
    Re-ref. Education Instruction03/17/2022
    Placed on cal. Calendar & Rules Committee for 3/17/202203/16/2022
    Rec. for pass. if am., ref. to Calendar & Rules Committee03/08/2022
    Placed on cal. Finance, Ways, and Means Committee for 3/8/202203/02/2022
    Rec for pass if am by s/c ref. to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee03/02/2022
    Placed on s/c cal Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee for 3/2/202202/23/2022
    Sponsor(s) Added.02/02/2022
    Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee02/02/2022
    Placed on s/c cal Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee for 2/2/202201/26/2022
    Assigned to s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee04/07/2021
    Rec. for pass; ref to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee04/07/2021
    Placed on cal. Education Instruction for 4/7/202103/31/2021
    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Education Instruction03/30/2021
    Placed on s/c cal Education Instruction Subcommittee for 3/30/202103/24/2021
    Action Def. in s/c Education Instruction Subcommittee to 3/30/202103/23/2021
    Placed on s/c cal Education Instruction Subcommittee for 3/23/202103/17/2021
    Sponsor(s) Added.03/12/2021
    Assigned to s/c Education Instruction Subcommittee02/20/2021
    P2C, ref. to Education Instruction02/11/2021
    Intro., P1C.02/10/2021
    Filed for introduction02/09/2021
    Actions For SB1216Date
    Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Education Committee03/23/2022
    Placed on Senate Education Committee calendar for 3/23/202203/16/2022
    Action deferred in Senate Education Committee to 3/23/202203/16/2022
    Placed on Senate Education Committee calendar for 3/16/202203/09/2022
    Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Education Committee02/22/2021
    Introduced, Passed on First Consideration02/11/2021
    Filed for introduction02/11/2021
  • AmendmentsFiscal Memos
    HA0611Amendment 1-0 to HB0800Fiscal Memo for HA0611 (13143)  
    No amendments for SB1216.

    NOTE: Each fiscal memorandum applies only to the amendment(s) identified in the memorandum. The fiscal memorandum must be matched to any amendments that have been adopted.

  • Videos containing keyword: HB0800

  • Fiscal Summary

    Other Fiscal Impact – If LEAs are required to replace textbooks and instructional materials as a result of this legislation, a mandatory increase to local expenditures may occur. However, due to multiple unknown circumstances, a precise fiscal impact cannot be reasonably determined. *

    Bill Summary

    Present law prohibits the textbook and instructional materials quality commission from approving textbook or instructional materials for adoption by LEAs unless the textbook or instructional materials conform to certain standards and, if the textbook or instructional materials are being considered for adoption as a textbook or instructional materials for education of students in general studies and specifically in United States history and this nation's republican form of government, comply with and reflect the values expressed in present law.

    Present law provides that the present law provisions governing textbook and instructional materials do not prohibit the use of or apply to supplemental instructional materials. This bill adds that, notwithstanding this provision, the commission is prohibited from recommending or listing, the state board is prohibited from approving for local adoption or granting a waiver for, and LEAs and public charter schools are prohibited from locally adopting or using in the public schools of this state, textbooks and instructional materials or supplemental instructional materials that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender (LGBT) issues or lifestyles.

  • FiscalNote for HB0800/SB1216 filed under HB0800
  • House Floor and Committee Votes

              HB0800 by Griffey - HOUSE FINANCE, WAYS, AND MEANS COMMITTEE:
    Rec. for pass. if am., ref. to Calendar & Rules Committee 3/8/2022
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail Rep(s). Camper, Freeman, Gillespie, Miller, Shaw requested to be recorded as voting No

              HB0800 by Griffey - HOUSE FINANCE, WAYS, AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE:
    Rec for pass if am by s/c ref. to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee 3/2/2022
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail Rep(s). Camper, Freeman requested to be recorded as voting No


              Representatives voting aye were: Cepicky, Griffey, Haston, Hicks T, Moody, Sparks, Warner, Weaver -- 8.
              Representatives voting no were: Dixie, Harris, Mannis, McKenzie, Parkinson, Rudder, White -- 7.

    Rec. for pass; ref to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee 4/7/2021
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail

    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Education Instruction 3/30/2021
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail Rep(s). Dixie, Harris, McKenzie requested to be recorded as voting No

    Senate Floor and Committee Votes

    Votes for Bill SB1216 by the Senate are not available.