NYS PCMH Recognized Provider Survey

This survey of NYS PCMH recognized providers is a collaboration between the New York State Department of Health and the New York Chapter of the American College of Physicians. This survey is designed to collect information about your experience as a NYS PCMH recognized provider, and to identify further educational strategies that will support internal medicine practices. The survey will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. 

For questions where multiple answers may be selected, please use your CONTROL key to highlight your responses.

Questions about the survey may be directed to NYACP by email to info@nyacp.org or by calling 518.427.0366.

Fields marked with a red asterisk ( * ) are required.



If you are not, or haven't been, PCMH recognized, please return to the original email and click on the Non NYS PCMH survey link.

















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