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The Pledge

A pledge that lets voters know just the bare minimum of what these Board of Education candidates stand for and pledge to uphold.

This poll provides strong backing of our Pledge.
🍎74% love their teachers
🚍65% love their local public schools
📕80% “parents have the right to choose what their children read, but they do not have the right to restrict the reading choices of other children.

🚫 banning books

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What does this website provide?

The number one question we get asked is “Who do I vote for for the Board of Education?” This website is a courtesy directory listing service that lists candidates for the Board of Election who make the pledge. It is a free, opt-in service.

Who did we reach out to for the pledge?

We emailed the pledge to every Board of Education candidate who successfully filed a petition to appear on the ballot for the November election and whose emails appear in publicly disseminated lists from the county clerks.

What is the pledge these Board of Education candidates have signed on to?

These candidates have pledged to the following core tenants.

    • I believe in public schools and in protecting public education for all kids.
    • I support our teachers.
    • I do not support book censorship/banning.
    • I support our LGBTQ+ students

Does this list include every candidate running for the Board of Education this election?

No, it does not. There are candidates who will not sign the pledge because they do not agree with the components of the pledge. There are candidates who do not have emails or the emails on the public lists may be incorrect. There may be candidates who did not sign the pledge, but agree with the components of the pledge, but declined to be listed. It’s up to the candidates entirely.

Disclaimer: The names of candidates listed here are provided as a courtesy to the public and are NOT endorsements. It is incumbent upon you to find out more information from your local Board of Education candidates. We do not make any claims on where they stand on any issues. We authenticated (using email addresses) that they were the ones who signed the personal pledge.

About Us

Who we are
Our mission and vision is an initiative of Action Together New Jersey, a 501(c)4 nonprofit social and civic organization.

The mission of ATNJ is to build community advocacy efforts through civic education and grassroots action.

We value kindness, inclusivity, equity, an informed citizenry, elected officials who work for the people, and collaboration with like-minded people and organizations. 

We reserve the right to not list anyone found to be contrary to the values above.

Our work in educating the public about the Board of Education is strictly nonpartisan.