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Trump Administration Releases Final FY 18 Budget Proposal, State Budget Nears Completion
May 24, 2017 by Sarah Gonzales Triplett

Yesterday, the Trump Administration released their final proposed FY 2018 budget. As expected, the President has essentially called for the complete elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) by merely allocating dollars necessary to close out the programs.
As the budget moves on to Capitol Hill, it is important to note that your advocacy efforts have already made a difference. President Trump called for a $15 million cut to the NEA in the FY 2017 budget and thanks in large part to your advocacy efforts, Congress not only rejected that proposal but increased funding to the NEA by an additional $2 million.

What's Next?
This is just the beginning of a long process which will play out over the summer months. With the FY 2017 budget behind us and the larger threat of eliminating all federal cultural agencies firmly in our sights, it is critical that we continue to work together to save these important programs.


Over the past few weeks and months, Creative Many Michigan has been actively meeting with members of the House and Senate Subcommittee on General Government to advocate for the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA). When Governor Snyder proposed his budget, he made two specific recommendations for the MCACA:

1.) Called for an additional $1 million in one-time funds for the MCACA, and
2.) Proposed a change in the legislative language that governs the MCACA. If passed, this change would open up the MCACA to be charged administrative fees that could reduce the amount of grant dollars available across the state.

Representative Rob VerHulen (R-Walker), Chair of the House General Government Appropriations Subcommittee, led the effort to pass a House budget that did not include the proposed additional $1 million in one-time funding for the MCACA but did restore the original MCACA legislative language. 
Thanks in large part to the leadership of Senator Tony Stamas (R-Midland), Chair of the Senate General Government Subcommittee and other members of the Subcommittee, the Senate budget did include both the additional $1 million in one-time funding to the MCACA and also restored the original MCACA language. 
What's Next? 
The House and Senate have each passed their own version of the budget. Differences between the budgets will be negotiated in Conference Committee where select members of both the House and Senate are appointed to identify a compromise. Members of the Conference Committees, who have not been named as of yet, are instrumental in passing the final budget which will then go to the Governor's desk for his signature or veto.
Once Conference Committee members are named, CMM will be reaching out to those of you who reside in their districts to ask for your help in this final stage of the budget process. With your voice we can win vital support for the arts and culture in Michigan.

FY 18 Proposal
House Passed
FY 18 Budget
Senate Passed FY 18 Budget
MCACA: Funding Additional $1 million one-time funding. Total funding for FY 18 would be $11.15 million.  Does not include additional $1 million one-time funding. Total funding for FY 18 would be $10.15 million.  Includes additional $1 million one-time funding. Total funding for FY 18 would be $11.15 million. 
MCACA: Governance Change proposed in legislative language which would leave MCACA grant dollars vulnerable. Reverts legislative language back to the original as requested.  Reverts legislative language back to the original as requested. 


Conference Call: Update on the State and Federal Budget
Please join Creative Many for the first in a series of short conference calls to
discuss the latest information on the state and federal budget. Learn about the possible impacts on arts and culture in Michigan and ways to get involved.
Conference Call: State and Federal Update 
Friday, June 2
10:30 am - 11:00 am
RSVP to attend


MDE Phasing Out Endorsements
In recent weeks, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) announced plans to phase out 12 teaching endorsements that they've determined are difficult to fill or are not attracting enough teachers. Endorsements in Dance (MH), Fine Arts (OX), and Visual Arts Education Specialists (LZ) are among the 12 programs slated to be phased out.

CMM has been working with members of the advocacy community, teachers, and specialists to schedule a special meeting with MDE and draft a joint letter expressing concerns about the impact of this decision. We'll share more information and opportunities to engage as this issue progresses. 


Save the Date: Arts Advocacy Day 2018
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 28, 2018 for Michigan Arts Advocacy Day in Lansing. Join with artists, advocates, creative entrepreneurs, students, and others from across the state. Speak directly with lawmakers and let them know why the arts, culture, and creativity are important to you and your community. 


Contact Creative Many
As always, please feel free to reach out to Sarah Triplett, director of public policy for Creative Many Michigan with any questions at

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