Action Center

This is the Action Center Page for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens.
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December 13, 2019 by John Gonzalez
January 1st marks the World Day of Peace message which every Pope since Saint Paul VI has offered since 1968. This year's message is titled "Peace as a Journey of Hope: Dialogue, Reconciliation and Ecological Conversion." These messages from the Holy Father are part of our Catholic social tradition and what they offer us is an annual reflection on how we can respond to current issues through our own Christian spirituality. 

In this year's message Pope Francis highlights the sacrament of reconciliation and suggests that we ought to pursue reconciliation on so many issues that divide us through an authentic dialogue with one another.
The world does not need empty words but convinced witnesses, peacemakers who are open to a dialogue that rejects exclusion or manipulation. In fact, we cannot truly achieve peace without a convinced dialogue between men and women who seek the truth beyond ideologies and differing opinions. Peace “must be built up continually”; it is a journey made together in constant pursuit of the common good, truthfulness and respect for law. Listening to one another can lead to mutual understanding and esteem, and even to seeing in an enemy the face of a brother or sister.
The Pope invites us Catholics to also utilize the sacrament of reconciliation and prayers (the Ignatian Examen comes to mind) to help us form our conscience against the spirit of fear and division so that the Holy Spirit "can make us artisans of justice and peace."

Catholic Charities staff offering a teach-in experience on Earth Day 2019Towards the end of his message the Pope did call us to enter into this spirit of reconciliation and dialogue in reflection of our contemporary environmental crisis: 
This journey of reconciliation also calls for listening and contemplation of the world that God has given us as a gift to make our common home. Indeed, natural resources, the many forms of life and the earth itself have been entrusted to us “to till and keep” (Gen 1:15), also for future generations, through the responsible and active participation of everyone. We need to change the way we think and see things, and to become more open to encountering others and accepting the gift of creation, which reflects the beauty and wisdom of its Creator.

Happy New Years to all of you who support the work we do at Catholic Charities and who partner with us as advocates for God's justice in our world. May the World Day of Peace message fill us with a renewed sense of hope as we prepare to tackle the issues we will face in the new year. Below is a video from Rome Reports on the World Day of Peace message to aid you in your reflection. 

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