2012 12 AdvoCat
Inside this issue
  We Moved and Hope You Moved With Us  
Big Cat Rescue has used CapWiz.com for our newsletters and advocacy but has just switched to VoterVoice.net because we think you will find it easier to help the cats with your emails, petitions and by keeping you informed.

We had to pack up more than 71,000 of you and move you to the new site, so I hope you will take a minute to sign our new petition and make sure your contact info is correct.  Once you fill it in the first time, all of your letters will be automatically filled out for you.

Here is our new petition to end big cat cub abuse.  https://www.votervoice.net/BCR/Petitions/211/SignPetitionLong



  Please "Bear" With Us  
In the process of making this move we discovered that more than 5,500 of you did not get our December newsletter.  If you already got it, then you already know most of what I am going to say below, but there are a few new tidbits.  If you didn't get the Dec AdvoCat, here is what is happening at the sanctuary this month.



  Happy Holidays from Big Cat Rescue!  
Get wild with the 2013 Big Cat Rescue Calendar. Features lions, tigers, leopards, and more. Standard size. This item is in stock and ready to ship!  http://www.bigcatrescue.biz/servlet/the-1312/2013-BCR-Calendar/Detail


  Free Big Cat Holiday Fun Stuff  

Visit our Big Cat Fun website that has free Holiday games, crafts and goodies for your family to enjoy.


At the top of that page you will find links to our thousands of FREE big cat themed e cards too!



  Great American Teach In  
The Great American Teach-In took place on November 14 & 15, 2012. This is a great event in which people from all different types of professions visit schools to teach the students about what they do. This year, Big Cat Rescue attended a record 29 schools for the Great American Teach-In! We went to elementary, middle, and high schools all around the Tampa Bay area, and had a grrrr-eat time! Thank you to the Big Cat Rescue volunteer teachers who shared the magic of BCR with the kids.


  Dr Michael Peak Treats Tigers  

Dr PeakDr Michael Peak, who is known as THE Pet Dentist in Tampabay, came to complete the root canals Big Cat Rescue started a long time ago on Andre Tiger and to do two root canals on his brother, Arthur Tiger.

See some great photos and find out who helped and more here:




  Canyon Sandcat Goes to the Vet  

Canyon Sandcat was reported to have an ingrown nail and was limping so he went in for an exam by Dr Wynn. Turned out that it’s nothing big, just a little stiff in left arm, so he is on pain killers and anti inflammatory meds for a few days.  Meanwhile he can chill on his new beach.



  51 Million Views and Soaring!  
Thanks to a partnership with Revision3.com that our videographer, Chris Poole, suggested we pursue, Big Cat Rescue is being promoted by Discovery and Animal Planet. This should really boost our exposure and it gives us the right to use Discovery’s huge vault of video in our production and an enormous music library as well for our videos.  If you loved our videos before, just imagine what it would be like to have every week be Big Cat Week!

Big Cat Rescue will be posting a new video every week, so if you are not a subscriber, please be sure to go to the link and Subscribe now so that you never miss an episode.  http://www.youtube.com/BigCatRescue 

Big Cat Rescue is sharing this wonderful opportunity with sanctuaries that are accredited by the Global Federation of Animal sanctuaries by sending our videographer to film their great work and turn it into memorable videos they can use to promote themselves and that we will share with our supporters.  YouTube has made us an Education partner too, which means we will be visible as safe and educational content in the school system.



  Top 5 Most Shocking Incidents of Big Cat Exploitation  
We hope by sharing a new list with you each month that you will join us in speaking out for the big cats and cubs that are exploited across this country every day. We encourage you to take one small action today and reach out via phone or email to contact the offenders listed below and politely express your concern. Together we can be the voice for the voiceless…together we can make a difference. Please join us in our mission of Caring for Cats & Ending the Trade.
No. 1 CORRECTION ON EMAIL ADDRESS Last month we told you about Discovery United Methodist Church (Richmond, Virginia) and the church’s pastor Jim Lavender, who owns more than two dozen exotic animals, including a lion and a white tiger. He uses big cats as part of his ministry and travels with them around the country, sending the WRONG message that big cats are his to use however he wants. Unfortunately,
Phone: (804) 360-4442, ext 31. Email: drjim7772003@yahoo.comwe listed an incorrect email address for Lavender. Please email him and let him know big cats should not be exploited as entertainment or used as props for his ministry.

No. 2 The Today Show, which airs nationally each morning on NBC, has once again promoted baby big cats on its program. Repeatedly exhibiting cubs on the show sends the completely wrong message – that they are cute and cuddly and make good pets. In the case of this most recent appearance on December 7th, we believe the cubs come from a breeder with a long history of numerous USDA violations. Please speak up for the cubs and let the Today Show know you do NOT want to see cubs or big cats on their program ever again. Contact them at: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/29041920/ns/today/#.UMcyNJPjl1M
No. 3 Believe it or not, Pope Benedict XVI (Vatican City) was photographed petting a lion cub on December 1 in Vatican City when a circus came to town for a papal performance. The photo of the cub that appeared in the National Post clearly shows the cub’s nose is badly scarred and missing fur. This is an easily detectable sign that the cub is not being treated humanely by its owner. Kindly help us educate the Pope that his seemingly innocent action of touching this lion cub may just be a fleeting moment to the Pope but is likely to be a lifetime of abuse and inhumane treatment for the cub. Phone: +390669881022. Email: av@pccs.va
No. 4 Xtreme Entertainment Party Rentals (Orlando, Florida) offers a wide range of party rentals, including their “Large Exotic Animal Encounter” package where people can “rent” a lion, tiger, panther or other exotic animals for events and parties. They also offer an “Exotic Animal Show.” The company’s website states “our vendor is a reputable animal owner” and the rentals are great for “schools, churches and corporate events.” Please let Xtreme know the public does not condone people using exotic cats as entertainment and profiting from their misery. Phone: (407) 284-1635. Contact them: http://www.party-rentals-orlando.com/contact_us.php
No. 5  Back in September AJA Channelside http://www.facebook.com/ajachannelside had live tigers in tiny circus wagons for drunken patrons to torment in their bar.  The tigers were provided by this animal exploiter Vernon Yates http://911animalabuse.com/2011/09/11/wildlife-rescue-and-rehab/.  Please ask them to be kind to animals by NOT having live wild animals (other than their patrons) at the bar.  AJA Channelside 290 South Meridian, Tampa, FL. (813) 421-2582
If you hear about exotic cats or cubs being exploited in your area, please contact Susan Bass at Susan.Bass@BigCatRescue.org. As always you can keep up with the latest action alerts at CatLaws.com Thank you!


  Vacation Home for Big Cats  
Vacation Big CatsPlease help our big cats go on vacation! The first $26,000 in donations received for this important project will be matched 100% for double impact!

You may be wondering: How will Big Cat Rescue’s cats be able to go on vacation? Well, we have recently received zoning approval to build a huge 2.5 acre enclosure on the Southwest end of our 55-acre property. It’s been our dream for years to be able to construct a special enclosure that can be used to rotate cats in and out of their permanent enclosures. Once construction is complete, the cats will enjoy two-week vacations in the new surroundings of our Vacation Rotation enclosure!

It will cost approximately $200,000 to build this dream enclosure for our cats. We have already begun to erect the poles for the perimeter and assemble some of the materials we will require. Your donations now will allow us to continue to move forward with this project, which we estimate will take six months to construct.

Mental enrichment is so important for captive wildlife and our cats are no exception. Vacationing in the new enclosure for two weeks at a time will allow the cats to experience new scenery and smells while exploring new trees and foliage as well as platforms, dens and toys. And who doesn’t like vacationing near the water? The enclosure will even have a big, cool pond for the cats to splash around in!

To help make all this possible, the Little Family Foundation and Lawrence and Pamela Trissel have joined forces to donate $16,000 and $10,000 respectively into a fund that will match donations to this project 100% for the first $26,000 in donations. So if you are able to donate before the thermometer reaches $26,000 your donation will be doubled!
We will share photos and videos of the construction as it progresses, so stay tuned. Once the enclosure is finished, it will be on our tour path. We so look forward to showing it off to you!

Donors of $500 or more will have their name on a permanent recognition sign on the Vacation Rotation Enclosure.

Any funds donated in excess of project costs will be used for other needs for our cats.
Very soon the cats will be going on vacation! How is that even possible? Well, we’ve just received zoning approval to build a huge 2.5 acre enclosure on the Southwest end of our 55-acre property. It’s been our dream for years to be able to construct a special enclosure that can be used to rotate the cats in and out of their permanent enclosures. So once construction is complete, the cats will take turns enjoying two-week vacations in the new surroundings of our Vacation Rotation Enclosure!




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Online fundraising for Give the Big Cats a Vacation!
Big Cat Rescue is a 4 Star Charity

Big Cat Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, FEID 59-3330495. Florida law requires that all charities soliciting donations disclose their registration number and the percentage of your donation that goes to the cause and the amount that goes to the solicitor. Big Cat Rescue's registration number is CH11409. We do not utilize professional solicitors, so 0% of your donation goes to a professional solicitor, 100% goes to Big Cat Rescue. Non-program expenses are funded from tour income, so 100% of your donations go to supporting the cats and stopping the abuse.



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