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Tell Calgary city council to drop bylaw used to charge men having private conversation
Two men going to the 1 Million Person March in Calgary have been fined and summonsed to court after a passenger on their train bizarrely reported their private conversation. Send a message to the city council today: Having a conversation is not a crime. 

Authoritarian bylaws have been passed in numerous Canadian cities, but now some are being weaponized to further threaten free speech.

On September 20, two men from the Calgary area were on a train en route to the popular 1 Million Person March to defend children against LGBT indoctrination in schools.  A passenger on the train reported their private conversation however, and an obscure Calgary Transit Bylaw is now being used to prosecute them.

The men were charged, issued penalty tickets and summonsed to court after supposedly violating Section 14(1)c of the transit bylaw which prohibits passengers from engaging in activity that would “interfere with the comfort, convenience, or quiet use and enjoyment of the transit system of any reasonable person.”   

On October 24, The Democracy Fund (TDF), a Canadian civil liberties nonprofit organization, reported that they will represent the two men following the scandalous charges made against them. 

SIGN: Drop the by-law and uphold civil liberties 

According to the TDF:

 “The Democracy Fund is representing two men charged under the Calgary Transit Bylaw for allegedly interfering with the comfort of an unknown transit user while en route to the 1 Million March 4 Children in Calgary, Alberta.

“The bylaw prohibits anyone on transit property from engaging in activity that would 'interfere with the comfort, convenience, or quiet use and enjoyment of the transit system of any reasonable person.' 

“The men, who have not been told what they did to contravene the by-law, report having had a private conversation on the C-train with a like-minded passenger en route to the march. While the train was mostly empty, it appears that someone overheard their conversation and reported it to bylaw as the men were detained by enforcement officers upon exiting the train. 

“One of the men was handcuffed while police attempted to confirm information about his identity. Both men were subsequently allowed to leave after they were ticketed and summonsed to court in late November 2023.” 

Feeling uncomfortable because of a conversation should never be a crime in a civil and democratic society.

Please send a message to the city council TODAY. 

Image: Shutterstock

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