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MSBA Delegates Approve Positions on School Board Elections, Educator Recruitment and More
November 28, 2023 by MSBA

The MSBA Delegate Assembly convened on Friday, November 3 in conjunction with the 2023 MSBA Annual Conference in Kansas City. Delegates approved amendments to two existing positions and five new positions. These positions are now part of MSBA’s Advocacy Positions, the collection of statements that guide MSBA’s advocacy on state and federal legislation. The new and amended positions can be found in the revised positions document here: https://5il.co/29413

Legislators will begin filing bills for the 2024 Missouri General Assembly this Friday, December 1. Legislators convene in Jefferson City for the 103rd regular session on Wednesday, January 3.

Note; The numbering below is reflective of the proposals presented in the Delegate Handbook [https://5il.co/2689i].

  1. Amended existing Finance position, page 2. 10. 
    MSBA supports increasing state revenues available to adequately fund public education by bringing certain taxes on tobacco, e-cigarettes, imitation tobacco or cigarette products, recreational marijuana, alcohol and alcohol-related products, and internet sales to a level consistent with the national average.
  2. New position: Educator Recruitment, page 9. 
    MSBA supports funding and programs to encourage Missourians to enter the field of public education through Missouri’s postsecondary teacher preparation programs especially in certification areas of critical or persistent shortage.
  3. Amended existing School Board Elections position, page 17.
    1. MSBA believes that school board elections should be held annually on the April Municipal Election Day. School board elections should remain nonpartisan so the school board members may focus solely on what is best for the students and the school district. Further, MSBA opposes the use of cumulative voting in the election of school directors.
  4. New position: Artificial Intelligence, page 11.
    MSBA recognizes there is an increase in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in all sectors of society. MSBA supports efforts to protect academic integrity and the privacy of students, faculty and staff as it relates to the use of AI.
  5. New position under O. School Board Elections, page 17.
    2. MSBA opposes legislation that would require school board filing to occur at any location other than the district’s central office.
  6. New Position under O. School Board Elections, page 17.
    3. MSBA supports a filing window for school board elections that is convenient, open, and safe for citizens and district staff.
  7. New Position under N. School Board Candidates, page 17 
    2. MSBA supports legislation and efforts to clarify and simplify Missouri Ethics Commission requirements for school board candidates and to improve notification and assistance from the Commission in complying with these requirements to avoid candidate ineligibility.
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