
Action Center

2023 Policy Conference Agenda and Materials
February 20, 2023 by Jeremy Arp

Thank you for attending the 2023 NASW-WA Policy Conference brought to you by the Chapter's Legislative Action Committee (LAC)! 

The LAC worked hard to bring social workers a meaningful experience.

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For the in-person event at St. Martin's University, Doors Open at 9:00 AM Pacific Time. Light refreshments will be served.

Event Begins at 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Welcome from Nichelle Curtis-McQueen, Legislative Action Committee (LAC) Chair
Short remarks from Jeremy Arp, NASW-WA Executive Director

Explanation of Agenda
Key Note Speakers
Policy Agenda/Briefs from NASW-WA LAC members
Q&A Panel from Maco Social Workers working in the field
How an Idea Becomes a Law

Short remarks from Our Chapter President and President-Elect
NASW Membership/Committees

Participants will break off into Legislative Districts (numbered by table).

Participants will be released for lunch (on your own). Attendees are encouraged to set appointments with their legislators, either in-person or virtually in advance of the event. Click here to find your Legislative District!

*The agenda is subject to change based on the availability of speakers.


NASW-WA Legislative Priorities and Bill Tracking List


Policy Briefs 





NASW-WA Membership and Events

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