Inside this issue
  Nevada associations honored for RPAC success  
  A pair of Nevada's local REALTOR® associations earned high praise for their RPAC fund-raising and awareness efforts in 2018. Officials from both Incline Village REALTORS and the Elko County Association of REALTORS learned they had won President's Cup status for the past year. That news was released earlier this month by NAR's REALTOR® Party.

IVR and ECAR earned the prestigious honor after the associations saw their members achieve a 20 percent response rate on NAR Calls for Action, meet or exceed the local's share of their state's national RPAC fundraising goal and meet or exceed 37 percent participation. The 2018 distinction means the two associations have earned President's Cup honors in back-to-back years.

Additionally, the two associations grabbed NAR's Triple Crown status, which only required the two latter criteria. Sierra Nevada REALTORS® captured Triple Crown status as well. You can view all the local association award winners by clicking here.


  CALL TO ACTION! Oppose Onerous Changes to Summary Evictions  
  SB151 was introduced on February 12, and it contains several provisions of concern for landlords and property managers. NVR is opposed to SB151.

SB151 would:
  • Increase the pay or quit timeline from 5 full days to 10 judicial days;
  • Increase the period of time in which the constable has to remove a tenant in default of rent from within 24 hours of the court order to no earlier than 48 hours;
  • Increase the amount of time a person has after receiving a written notice to surrender when the person holds over and continues possession of real property or a mobile home that has been sold or foreclosed upon from 3 days to 30 days; and,
  • Change the method of service of the notices to the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure or the Justice Court Rules of Civil procedure, as applicable.
Now is the time to let your voice be heard! Take a few moments to send your thoughts about these proposed changes to the Legislature. You can do so easily online by clicking here and then select bill SB151.

We also encourage you to share this information with your clients using the image in this article. Click here for the link. 


  LAST CALL: NVR members, sign up for health care plans  
Good News for All Nevada REALTORS® Members
Nevada REALTORS® members (residing outside of Clark County) have just this week to take advantage of a special health care offering. Hometown Health and Nevada REALTORS® have joined together to offer the Nevada REALTORS® Health Plan exclusively for Nevada REALTORS® members!
Sign up now for an April 1 effective dates. The deadline to enroll is Friday, March 15.
Exciting Benefits of Enrolling in a NVR Plan
  • Members can save up to 26% on premiums by switching to the Nevada REALTORS® Health Plan from the individual market 
  • Plans are guaranteed issue
  • No pre-existing condition limitations
  • ACA compliant - meets minimum essential coverage guidelines
  • Plans provide access to Renown Health providers
  • Available statewide (with the exception of Clark County*)
Visit the website for more details
Contact Hometown Health or your health insurance broker 
for more information!
Hometown Health Telephone:
Toll Free 800-336-0123
*If you live in Clark County, please look out in June for news of GLVAR's new enrollment period.


  More people pay their mortgages on time, but for how long?  

It's a real estate and social barometer that doesn't get a lot of publicity, but it's important: More Americans are paying their mortgages on time today than they have in nearly two decades - maybe even longer.

That's a big deal, because when large numbers of owners do the opposite - stop paying on their home loans for months at a time - the entire economy feels the effects. Spiking delinquencies in 2007-2008 ushered in the global financial crisis and spawned tidal waves of foreclosures that devastated borrowers and their communities. Some of the wounds are still fresh. Delinquency rates may sound like a yawn, but they are a key economic bellwether that shouldn't be ignored by anyone serious about real estate. Click here to read more of the Washington Post article.

