Inside this issue
  PRESIDENT'S LETTER: NVR always working for members  
  Dear NVR members:
Welcome to Part II of an NVR eNews SPECIAL EDITION. In continuing our commitment to providing the best advocacy leadership and excellence to and for all of our members, this edition features two legal articles on a couple of issues that have been most pressing on the Legal Information Line. NVR Legal Counsel Christal Keegan continues to not only return every call within 24 hours, but also spends time researching the issues to provide you with the most accurate and timely information available.
I also want to let you all know that Nevada REALTORS® has contributed to the Nevada Community Foundation in support of the Governor's Nevada COVID-19 Response, Relief and Recovery Task Force. One of the top priorities of the fund is: "To provide assistance and supplies to first responders and healthcare providers (individuals and institutions)" See the infographic below for more information and for a link to contribute.
Of course it takes a true team to keep all the member benefits flowing. Our NVR CFO Becky Blankenburg has kept our office thriving in all respects. She is handling the office accounting and keeping legal staff updated on the evolving changes in Human Resources and the various financial relief options for members. The executive assistant to the CEO Karen has been working on committees, events and contract modifications and has been able to negotiate huge savings on canceled meetings and events. Our government affairs coordinator Beth Morrisey has just successfully completed important meetings by ZOOM that had never before been done remotely, and our receptionist Elvia Muniz has continued to play her role in staff support as staff members adjust to working from home. It truly takes a team effort and I am proud of the teamwork shown by our NVR staff.

Finally, I once again urge you to use safe practices in all business dealings, reducing physical contact as much as possible by using alternate methods of performing your duties to you clients. We in Nevada are VERY fortunate that e-notarization was passed in 2017 with the support of Nevada REALTORS®. Our Government Affairs Team and Carrara Nevada worked hard in the last few years to make sure it was a safe viable option for our members and their clients in Nevada. Click here to learn more about e-notarization options. Remember technology cannot replace a great agent, but great agents will use technology to service their client.

Information changes daily so continue to watch for updates and to reach out to your colleagues to share the latest information.

Chris Bishop, 2020 Nevada REALTORS® President


  IMPORTANT: News from DETR  


  LEGAL: Are your contracts covered for COVID-19?  
By Christal Park Keegan, NVR Legal Information Line Attorney

In light of recent events, brokerages have been forced to examine how to address COVID-19 within their brokerages and in real estate transactions. The National Association of REALTORS® has released a guide for REALTORS® which identifies modified business practices for listing and buyers' brokers, as well as precautions within brokerages. Over the last few weeks, Nevada REALTORS® reached out to its brokers for feedback since our contracts did not include provisions which may excuse, delay or postpone performance based on COVID-19 (a.k.a. Force Majeure Clause), and the overwhelming response was to act reasonably and with understanding given the National emergency. Click here to read more. 


  LEGAL: NVR working to streamline landlord/tenant interactions  
By Christal Park Keegan, NVR Legal Information Line Attorney

Nevada REALTORS® has been working with the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for information and resources for our members. Specifically, NVR is looking for guidance on safe procedures for a landlord who needs emergency access to a unit when the tenant has Coronavirus. It is in the interest of the tenant to allow the landlord access to the unit so that the tenant can have essential services restored or maintained, like electricity, gas, hot water, heat and running water. So how do the landlord and tenant safely accomplish this? Click here to continue reading.


  Join Nevada REALTORS in supporting the COVID-19 Task Force  

To watch, Jim Murren's address about the COVID-19 task force, click here.

To learn more about the task force, visit the website.


  State issues limits on towing from communities  
  In an effort to curtail overzealous towing. The Nevada Transportation Authority and the CIC Ombudsman released the following letters today. Click on the links to learn.
Nevada Transportation Authority Letter
Nevada CIC Ombudsman Letter
