May 14, 2020
Inside this issue
  LEGAL: Clarifying allowance of open houses  
By Tiffany Banks, NVR General Counsel

In response to the flood of questions NVR has received regarding the allowance of open houses after May 15th, we have clarified the below question:
Can I host open houses, beginning on May 16th for seller occupied or vacant properties?
Nothing has changed as far as the Governor's guidance on no open houses at this time.  The ONLY thing that has changed is his directive has been extended until May 30th.  In addition, REALTORS® should make every effort to avoid in-person transactions and services to the extent practicable. While you as a REALTOR® are still deemed an essential service, how you conduct yourself at this time could potentially impact that designation in the coming weeks and months. Although one-on-one showings are still allowed in non-tenant occupied properties, be sure to adopt precautionary measures and COVID-19 risk mitigation practices to minimize the risk of spread of the disease.
When open house activity does resume after May 30th*, it is imperative that everyone follow proper social distancing guidelines as prescribed by the CDC including: 
  • Limiting the amount of people in the property at one time and limiting the amount of people to no more than 10 congregating outside the property;
  • Using Strict sanitation measures, including cleaning in between potential buyers viewing the property;
  • Promote frequent and thorough hand washing, including visitors with a place to wash their hands. If soap and running water are not immediately available, provide alcohol‐based hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • PPE usage- Any employee, or agent of the brokerage who interacts with the general public is encouraged to wear appropriate face coverings/masks and proper PPE;  
  • Monitoring illness- Anyone sick, feeling sick or recently sick should stay home.  
Please keep following Nevada REALTORS'® updates through our Facebook page, e-news and on our website under our COVID-19 tab.  We will be updating articles as updates become available.  If the May 30th date gets extended*, we will be sure and let you know.  We are continuing to work on issues that impact our members and their clients. For legal questions email

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