
Take Action

Tell your legislators to let Nurse Practitioners care for PA.

Keep Health in the Commonwealth - Pass Full Practice Authority (SB 25) Now!
Pennsylvania – with our 35 accredited Nurse Practitioner programs – is quickly becoming an exporter of NPs. That’s because 27 other states and the District of Columbia have adopted Full Practice Authority, allowing NPs to practice without the unnecessary burden of collaborative agreements with two physicians.


Simply put, NPs are choosing to live, treat, and practice in other states that don’t require this restrictive red tape – states including our neighbors of New York, Maryland, Delaware, and (soon) New Jersey, which all grant Full Practice Authority to Nurse Practitioners.

At a time when PA’s entire health care system is facing an unprecedented shortage of primary care providers, Nurse Practitioners stand ready to serve the patients who need them. That’s especially true in rural and other underserved areas, where NPs are far more likely to practice than family physicians. 

Urge key Pennsylvania Lawmakers TODAY to advance SB 25 to final passage. Help us Keep Health in the Commonwealth!

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