
Action Center

Senate Commerce Committee Markups Up FAA Bill
February 20, 2024 by PVAction Force

After an eight-month delay, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee recently marked up its version of the FAA Reauthorization (S. 1939). As introduced, the bill includes several provisions focused on improving the air travel experience of passengers with disabilities. The committee was originally scheduled to markup the legislation last June but was forced to cancel at the last minute due to disagreements over pilot training and other non-disability-related provisions. 


During the markup on February 8, the committee adopted two amendments from Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) that are based on the PVA-supported Air Carrier Access Amendments Act (S. 545). The amendments focus on improving the Department of Transportation’s complaint process and addressing the need for more access standards in air travel. Similar versions of these amendments were added to the House FAA Reauthorization bill (H.R. 3935) during the House’s markup in June 2023. 


The current FAA Authorization expires on March 8. We will continue to work with Congress to ensure that the final bill includes meaningful provisions that will improve the safety and dignity of passengers with disabilities. Take action by contacting your members of Congress here

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