
Action Center

FY 2025 THUD Appropriations Act

Urgent Action Needed

Urge Your Members of Congress to Fully Fund Public Transit and Passenger Rail in the THUD Appropriations Act

APTA strongly encourages you to urge your Representatives and Senators to honor the promise of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and fully fund public transit and passenger rail in the FY 2025 THUD Appropriations bill. 

We ask you to join APTA’s email advocacy campaign now!

In July, both the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations marked up the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill (THUD Appropriations bill). 

The House THUD Appropriations bill (H.R. 9028) significantly cuts public transit and passenger rail below the authorized funding levels of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It cuts public transit investment by $1.3 billion and passenger rail investment by $263 million from last year’s funding levels. The House THUD Appropriations bill passed on a party-line vote of 31-26.

View APTA’s Legislative Alert on the House THUD Appropriations bill

Conversely, the Senate THUD Appropriations bill (S. 4796) provides the overwhelming majority of public transit and passenger rail investments authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. It increases public transit investment by $440 million and passenger rail investment by $441 million from last year’s funding levels. The Senate THUD Appropriations bill passed on an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 28-1.

View APTA’s Legislative Update on the Senate THUD Appropriations bill.

APTA strongly encourages you to urge your Representatives and Senators to honor the promise of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and fully fund public transit and passenger rail in the FY 2025 THUD Appropriations bill. 

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