The Optimizing Postpartum Outcomes Act (H.R. 2480) is bipartisan legislation that will raise awareness of the availability and importance of pelvic health services, particularly pelvic health physical therapy, for postpartum individuals covered by Medicaid and CHIP. H.R. 2480 is designed to address gaps in knowledge and access by providing guidance to state Medicaid and CHIP programs administering pelvic health services performed during the postpartum or neonatal period. It also authorizes programs to raise provider and patient awareness of the importance of pelvic health examinations and pelvic health physical therapy.
Instructing postpartum individuals and providers on the importance of pelvic health physical therapy is vital for preserving maternal health. It only takes a minute to let your members of Congress know that mothers using Medicaid and CHIP must be aware of and have access to pelvic health physical therapy.
Thank you for your advocacy!