
Action Center

Warn Canadian lawmakers not to reintroduce harmful mask mandates
Once again Canadians are being coerced this winter to wear dangerous masks in medical settings despite the growing empirical evidence that masks are ineffective and bad for our physical and mental health. 

Send a message to your MP and Senators today: mask mandates are not about protection but about compliance and control. 

Mask mandates are being reintroduced to many healthcare facilities in Canada, as ‘cases’ increase despite a so-called “safe and effective” jab. 

Starting on November 7, the Ministry of Long-Term Care has mandated masks in all licensed long-term care facilities in Ontario, in accordance with the advice of Dr. Kieran Moore, the chief medical officer of health. 

Since October 16, the province of Alberta has been enforcing masking for staff, physicians, volunteers, contractors, and lab workers in many patient-facing areas, according to the Alberta Health Services (AHS). On October 3, British Columbia brought back abusive mask mandates in hospital settings.

The draconian mask mandates welcomed by the government come as no surprise especially when Canada’s chief public health officer, Dr.Theresa Lam, warned Canadians in September that “now is the time to get your masks ready if you don’t already have them.” 

SIGN: Mask mandates have never been about health or safety. 

There is little evidence of masks' efficacy in giving even the slightest protection against Covid. The mandates are irrational and psuedo-scientific, driven by dangerous ideologues filled with intolerance, fear, and a burning desire to control others. 

Oxford epidemiologist Tom Jefferson, who has rigorously studied and analyzed the efficacy of masks, said that “There is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference” and that mask policies were based on “non-randomized … flawed observational studies.” 

More than 170 comparative studies and articles have found that masks have been ineffective at stopping COVID and have instead been harmful to our health.   

SIGN: Gaslighting healthcare staff, patients and the public that it is their ‘civic duty’ to wear a mask is propaganda and subtle coercion. 

Masking people risks multiple harms, and the evidence is clear about this. 

Wearing a mask for long periods of time can lead to headaches, skin irritation, dry mouth, fatigue and many other health complications. The impact psychologically of wearing a mask is degrading, dehumanizing and anxiety-provoking for some. 

SIGN: Mask mandates are medical fraud 

With all the evidence stacked up that masks are ineffective, mandates should have no place in hospital settings or any other setting.   

Mask mandates have nothing to do with health but instead are used as a political tool to stoke fear and increase compliance among the public. 

If there is full compliance with mask mandates this winter in Canada and no pushback or resistance, the concern will be how hard the COVID zealots in government push for other restrictions.

Masking is conditioning to accept more intrusive mandates like COVID vaccinations. Healthcare staff and the general public should not be subjected to this physical and psychological abuse anymore.  

We do not want to live under petty tyrannts anymore. 

SIGN & SHARE: Tell your federal legislators that mask mandates are tyrannical and need to stop. 

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