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It’s August Recess. It’s time to meet your lawmaker!
August 12, 2021 by Mark Fisher

It’s August, which means members of Congress are heading home for their annual summer recess. This is a great time to not only meet your lawmakers, but also urge them to cosponsor legislation important to the neuromuscular disease community, especially the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act (ACAAA). This bill would allow individuals with NMD to travel with fewer complications, and we need your help to gain more support for it in Congress.


Below are three easy ways to make the most of August Recess and urge your lawmaker to support the ACAAA. 


Meet with your lawmaker in person

Meeting with your member of Congress while they are in your district is a great way to introduce yourself, tell your story, and ask them to cosponsor the ACAAA. To get started, find your officials on our Advocacy website, make a call to the District Office, and ask for meeting. It's that simple! As an alternative, you can ask for a virtual meeting, as well. For more information on how to have a successful in-person visit, check out our handy Recess Guide.


Drop-by the District Office

If you are unable to formally meet with a lawmaker or staff, you can also drop off materials at the office for them to review. Sometimes simply showing up might lead to a future in-person meeting with the member of Congress or staff. If you are not sure where your local Congressional office is, simply use our Advocacy website to find the location closest to you. In addition, below are some ideas on what you can give the office during a drop-by visit.

  • ACAAA fact sheet
  • 2017 MDA survey of the NMD community about air travel
  • A business card with your contact information
  • An article highlighting recent news about the issues people with a disability face while traveling

Introduce yourself at an event

Town halls, parades, and picnics! Those are just three of the events federal lawmakers attend while back in their home districts and are excellent opportunities to start building an advocacy relationship with your elected officials. These opportunities are a great way to introduce yourself and snap a quick photo. Be sure to check your legislator’s website and social media channel to see where they’ll be going while in-district. Our Advocacy website can help you find their website and social media pages. 

You don’t need to travel to Washington, D.C. to make a difference and have an impact on your federal lawmakers. There are many opportunities in your community to connect with your members of Congress and urge them to take action on issues you care about. Check out our handy Recess Guide for more information on how to have a successful August Recess. 

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