Globally, 771 million people do not have access to a clean water source.
An estimated 3.6 billion people lack access to improved sanitation facilities – that’s nearly half of the world’s population. Tragically, around 2,000 children die each day due to diarrhea caused by unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene. And in most countries with water off premises, the burden of water collection disproportionately falls on women and girls. Improving hygiene in healthcare facilities could save the lives of an estimated 1,000 newborn babies every day.
Investment in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in the United States creates favorable outcomes across various sectors. This fosters the development of sustainable water management, enhances climate resilience and biodiversity, creates healthy communities, reinforces food security, and supports economic growth. Please support a funding level of $500 million for strengthening WASH worldwide in the FY25 budget.
H.R. 5545, The Global Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Healthcare Facilities Act aims to improve access to safe and sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in healthcare facilities worldwide. Ensuring access to clean water, secure sanitation, and proper hygiene within healthcare facilities is crucial for effectively preventing infections and ensuring high-quality healthcare for everyone. H.R. 5545 will enhance U.S. foreign assistance by expanding access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene in healthcare facilities. The bill prioritizes strengthening health systems, building health worker capacity, and ensuring safety for patients, especially women and girls.
Take action today: Ask your representative to cosponsor The WASH in Healthcare Facilities Act.