Violence against children, in all its forms, takes a disastrous toll on the physical, mental, and social development of the more than 1 billion children around the world who are affected. They deserve a real childhood.

Globally, 1 billion children (nearly half of the world’s children) are exposed to violence every year. This violence includes abuse, neglect, exploitation, and physical, sexual, and emotional violence — including commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking, child labor, and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation/cutting and child marriage.
Thankfully, a bipartisan bill presents a major step forward in ending violence against children. The Strengthening Efforts to End Violence Against Children Act, which World Vision helped write, will elevate the needs of the children most at risk of violence and promote better research and data-gathering, so violence can be tracked and ultimately prevented.
"He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight." –Psalm 72:14
The U.S. has a crucial role in leading the effort to end violence against children. Act today to get the Strengthening Efforts to End Violence Against Children Act introduced in the House and Senate. It is critical for the United States to provide high-level leadership and coordination around these efforts.
This act has been introduced in the House, but still needs to be passed and introduced in the Senate! Add your voice to help us get there, and check back here for updates.
House: not yet introduced
Senate: not yet introduced
Additional Links:
Learn more about the Strengthening Efforts to End Violence Against Children Act.
Read related stories from the blog.

(Last Updated Jan 2025)