
Zonta USA Advocacy Action Center

Zonta International is a global organization of individuals dedicated to building a better world for women and girls. The Zonta USA Advocacy Action Center is a tool for our members in the United States and other individuals who share our commitment to gender equality to take action to improve the lives of women and girls. With your help, we can make a difference. In addition to the actions below, click here to support our joint efforts with UNICEF USA to end child marriage in the United States.

Address maternal health disparities and prevent maternal deaths
The United States continues to experience the highest maternity mortality rate in the developed world. A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 1,205 pregnancy-related deaths were reported in 2021, reflecting an increase of nearly 89% in the maternal mortality rate since 2018. However, the CDC estimates that at least 80% of maternal mortalities are preventable.

Additionally, persistent disparities exist across key maternal and infant health indicators. Black and Native American women are 62% more likely to give birth prematurely, and their babies have a mortality rate double that of the white population.

The bipartisan Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act of 2023 (S. 2415 and H.R. 3838) would reauthorize federal support for state-based maternal mortality review committees, which review pregnancy-related deaths to identify causes and make recommendations to prevent future mortalities. The legislation would also require the CDC to work with the Health Resources and Services Administration to disseminate best practices to prevent maternal mortality to hospitals and other health care providers.

Please use our pre-drafted letters to urge your senators and representative to co-sponsor and support the Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act of 2023. If they have already sponsored or co-sponsored the bill, you can send a message of thanks.

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