February 3, 2017
In This Update:
- ACTION ALERT: Religious Liberty Executive Order Under Consideration
- Last Chance to Register for February 11th Human Trafficking Conference
- U.S. Bishops Strongly Oppose Trump Executive Order on Refugee Admissions
- Criminal Justice Measures Pass Michigan Senate; Continue to House
ACTION ALERT: Religious Liberty Executive Order Under Consideration
Throughout this nation's history, organizations and individuals of faith have served others in the public square, providing care in a manner consistent with their religious beliefs. In recent years, federal policies such as the HHS mandate, which requires religious organizations to provide employees with services that they find objectionable or risk crippling fines, have hindered the ability of faith-based organizations to serve as they feel called to do. President Donald Trump is currently considering an executive order that may help to reverse the HHS mandate and similar policies, as well as restore conscience rights. Take a few minutes now to send a message in support of such an order to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, expressing why the freedom to serve is important for religious individuals, organizations, and the community as a whole. |
Last Chance to Register for February 11th Human Trafficking Conference
From Darkness to Light: Human Trafficking and Our Response is just over a week away! On Saturday, February 11, this full-day event will be held at Lansing Catholic High School (501 Marshall Street, Lansing, MI 48912) to confront the issue of human trafficking, or modern-day slavery. Participants will hear from expert speakers, meet organizations that work on this issue, and enjoy breakfast and lunch for the cost of $25. This is the last week to register, so if you haven't yet, now is the time! To learn more and to register, visit www.micatholic.org/fromdarknesstolight/. |
U.S. Bishops Strongly Oppose Trump Executive Order on Refugee Admissions
On Friday, January 27, President Donald Trump issued an executive order regarding the U.S. refugee admissions program. Among other aspects, the order essentially shuts down the program for 120 days, indefinitely suspends the resettlement of Syrian refugees, and calls for a temporary bar on admission to the United States from seven majority Muslim countries of particular concern. While outlining the importance of American safety, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) spoke about the importance of welcom ing refugees, who go through a vigorous, two-year vetting process to come to this country. Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin, chairman of the Committee on Migration for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), stated that the Catholic Church, in collaboration with Catholic Charities, "will work vigorously to ensure that refugees are humanely welcomed without sacrificing our security or our core values as Americans." For more on what you can do to take action on this executive order, click here. |
Criminal Justice Measures Pass Michigan Senate; Continue to House
The Michigan Senate approved a twenty-bill package addressing corrections and criminal justice this week. These bills mirror legislation introduced last session, which seeks to break the cycle of incarceration and encourage true rehabilitation. Among other aspects, the measures modify penalties for probationers who commit technical probation violations, encourage parole and probation officers to implement supervision practices that reduce recidivism, and expand participation in the "Swift and Sure Probation" supervision program. The legislation enjoyed wide, and in most cases unanimous, support from members. Michigan Catholic Conference supported the bills and will continue to advocate for their passage in the Michigan House of Representatives. |