Executive Directors Message
*Sal is away in Washington DC and penned this newsletter on Tuesday before he left
It seems as if there is a tidal wave across the country stirring a panic about e-cigarettes and vaping. They are two different things and I know most of you are concerned with e-cigarettes. I can tell you that this has been a firestorm for us here at headquarters, and we have been consulting with the tobacco industry to determine the best strategy to hopefully stop the tidal wave, or at least mitigate the damages. As of now, I am not sure what the strategy is or what results we can expect, but here are the facts:
Concerns over the use of vaping products reached a fever pitch in September this year, due to a series of illnesses across the country by users of these products as well as new data showing the number of teenagers using these products continue to increase. While the government has not made a formal determination of the cause of the sickness, reporting indicates it is extremely likely that it is caused by improperly modified vaping products sold on the black market and containing THC (the compound in marijuana that makes the user intoxicated). In response to a situation in which people have gotten sick from black market products, many politicians are demanding to change the law so that the only way someone can buy a vape product is through the black market.
There is only one change being made so far that we definitely know about, because it was signed into law back in June: starting November 1st only vape stores will be allowed to sell "container e-liquid" (bottles of fluid used to refill e-cigs). The ability to sell prefilled cartridges has not been changed by this law.
On September 11th the President announced that he wants the FDA to move quickly to ban all flavors of vapes except tobacco. It is unlikely that this ban will take effect any time soon, and it is possible they will allow menthol flavored vapes to continue. It is also possible that other flavors could be sold in the future.
At the state level, restrictions are likely to be more severe and take effect sooner than whatever happens at the federal level. Gov. Murphy has convened an emergency Task Force to study the issue and make recommendations by October 3rd. Senate President Sweeney has called for legislation to create a full ban on all vaping sales, in any flavor or any form. In addition to the long-term hit to business, these potential actions significantly increase uncertainty for c-store owners, since at any point in the next few weeks an alert could come down notifying retailers that they would be banned from selling a large portion of their stock of products, potentially leaving them with a supply of products they can't sell and may not be able to give back to their distributor. Bear these risks in mind when making purchasing decisions in the near future.
State Sen. Joe Vitale (D-Middlesex), who is Chair of the Senate Health Committee, spoke at the Governor's press conference creating the Task Force and advocated that the state pass what would be the nation's first ban on menthol cigarettes, a bill which passed Assembly Health Committee last year. He also called for passage of two bills which passed his committee in September-one which would ban the use of coupons and rebates for all tobacco and vaping products and another which would ban businesses with a pharmacy license from selling tobacco or vaping products.
Here's the second firestorm we have been dealing with this week: After I wrote last week applauding what seems to be a decent year from a profit margin point of view; because gasoline prices have dropped with expectations that they would continue to do so over the next few months, it seems that my fear that the fragile energy market has been affected by an attack on Saudi Arabia's oil processing plants. Of course, Saudi Arabia provides 5% of the total global consumption of crude oil. It should be noted that the ensuing market hysteria would be far worse if the United States did not step up our own domestic production. Although estimates are questionable of when Saudi Arabia's production will be fully back online, the enormous production in the U.S. is prepared to fill the gap, making incredible profits for U.S. oil producers as they are gaining both volume and a higher price. Where will this go? My gut feeling tells me that much of the Saudi production will be back online shortly, possibly within a week, and U.S. oil producers will gladly fill in the gap. I think you may see some short term spikes in crude oil between $10-$15 per barrel, but I don't expect that to last more than a few weeks, and I expect prices to decline rapidly to where they should have been had this event never occurred. Could I be wrong? Yes, and I am going a bit against what traditional market analysts may be saying. However, unless our President starts a full scale war over this incident, creating a real long term supply issue, I am going with my gut that says demand will be right where it was supposed to be and supplies will be stable, especially since those that can fill the gap left by Saudi Arabia, will want to pump as much as possible at the higher price while it lasts. They will do to each other to drive the price back down what I lament each of you doing to each other on the street. That's my gut prediction, only time will tell if I'm right.
I would like to note, that the President has declared his willingness to utilize the strategic petroleum reserve if needed. It is ironic that several years ago, after being elected he was promoting the idea of selling off the reserves to utilize the funds from the sale. NJGCA spoke loudly against that maneuver as it would totally defeat the purpose of having a "strategic reserve of crude oil." I would only hope that the President would only use this strategic reserve to offset a supply crisis and not use it to intervene in an economic price crisis.
Last week, I reported that the legislation we had worked very hard to move forward, the Magnuson-Moss legislation was being voted on in the Senate, but at the time I wrote last week's newsletter, I did not know the outcome. I am very happy to report that the Senate passed S-1712 by a wide margin 31-0. We are now pushing for the Assembly version of this legislation to be voted on as soon as the Assembly reconvenes in November. If passed in the Assembly and signed by Governor Murphy, the bill will require car manufacturers to mail a notification to every purchaser of every new car that their rights under the 1975 Magnuson-Moss Act allow them to bring their new vehicles to your shops without voiding the manufacturer's warranty. Vehicle owners of cars that are under warranty falsely believe (and sadly so do some of you) that while their car is under warranty, that they cannot bring their vehicle to you for routine maintenance and repairs without voiding the warranty. This is blatantly false and this legislation is needed to dispel that thinking. I'll report to you as we progress. Thank you to all of you who contacted your Senators when we sent out our action alert.
On a sad note, a dear friend to NJGCA, Senator Tony Bucco, passed away Monday evening. Over the years, many of you have accompanied me to a few fun events that supported Senator Bucco's campaign for the New Jersey State Senate. He has been a voice for small business owners across the state and often was a lone wolf battling for us on the Labor and most notable, the Senate Budget committee. He will be missed. We should all be thankful for the time he spent in the Senate and offer our prayers to his family.
That's all for this week -
Sal Risalvato
Executive Director
Training Class Schedule
All classes held at NJGCA HQ -- 4900 Route 33 West, Wall Township, NJ 07753
Two-Day Emissions Inspector Training Class
October 23rd & 24th
December 18th & 19th
Want your technicians to become a NJ Emissions Inspector? We can help! Our new two-day class will provide all the information for becoming a NJ Emissions Inspector. Day one will consist of written test training and the State will administer the written test the very same day at our offices. Day two will be a hands-on training course to prepare you for the hands-on test. Class will run from 7:00am to 4:00pm on day 1. Class will begin at 12:30 PM on day 2. Cost is $479 for members.
October class registration click here
December class registration click here
Want to become an emission repair technician/facility?
Entire Emission Technician Education Program (ETEP) Training Classes
1 PM to 9 PM
November 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21
December 4, 5, 11, 12
Sections 8, 9, 10 (RECERTIFICATION)
1 PM to 9 PM
December 4, 5, 11, 12
8 AM to 4 PM
December 3, 9, 10, 17
Stop turning away work!
The New Jersey Inspection Program requires vehicles that fail emissions inspection to go to a Licensed Certified Emission Repair Facility and have a Licensed Emission Repair Technician perform the repairs! When the new Emissions Inspection program begins, a list of Certified Emission Repair Facilities will be given to the vehicle owners who fail the New Jersey Emission Inspection. If you want your business name on the list - make sure you have a Certified Licensed Emission Repair Technician and you are licensed as a Emission Repair Facility! Those signing up for the FULL training course will attend sections 1-10. Full ETEP class fees for members are $2,195 and non-members are $2,395. Recertification fees for members are $729 and non-members are $879. This is the last class for the entire program, register early!
News Around The State
Trump to Revoke California's Authority to Set Stricter Auto Emissions Rules
The Trump administration is expected on Wednesday to formally revoke California's legal authority to set tailpipe pollution rules that are stricter than federal rules, in a move designed by the White House to strike twin blows against both the liberal-leaning state that President Trump has long antagonized and the environmental legacy of President Barack Obama. . . The formal revocation of California's authority to set its own rules on tailpipe pollution - the United States' largest source of greenhouse emissions - will be announced Wednesday afternoon at a private event at the Washington headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency, according to two people familiar with the matter.
What It Costs To Own A Vehicle In 2019
When determining whether you can afford to take on a new car, keep in mind that monthly payments and fuel aren't the only costs involved. Research by AAA has pushed the average annual cost of vehicle ownership to $9,282, or $773.50 per month, in 2019. That's the highest figure recorded since AAA began tracking expenses in 1950.
US Consumers Will See 'Sticker Shock' At The Gas Pump After Attacks On Saudi Oil Facilities, Analyst Predicts
U.S. gas prices will increase about 20 cents per gallon because of the recent attacks in Saudi Arabia, oil analyst Andy Lipow predicted Monday on CNBC. . . Saudi oil facilities in Abqaiq and Khurais were struck over the weekend, with fire damage halting production of half the country's global daily oil exports. Yemen's Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility for the attack.
The Oil Industry Vs. The Electric Car
The oil industry is trying to crush the booming electric car movement. . . Oil-backed groups have challenged electric companies' plans in 10 states, according to utility commission filings reviewed by POLITICO, waging regulatory and lobbying campaigns against the proposals. The showdown is taking place as utilities, eager to increase the demand for power, push for approval to build charging networks in locations such as shopping centers and rest stops in more than half the nation.
Oil Prices Spike After Attack on Saudi Facilities but Lasting Disruption Seen Unlikely
Oil prices rose about 10 percent on Monday as investors reacted to a weekend attack on one of Saudi Arabia's most important oil facilities that could cripple petroleum exports for days or even weeks. But experts say that a severe shock to energy markets and the world economy would be unlikely.
There's Talk Of Banning Vaping In N.J. What Can Be Done?
Amid a surge in vaping by teens, and increasing health concerns nationwide - including six deaths across the country - New Jersey legislative leaders are talking about becoming the first state to ban the sale of vaping products. State Senate President Stephen Sweeney has called for legislation see a phased-in ban on electronic smoking devices, including nicotine cartridges and containers, as well as all other vapor products. Gov. Phil Murphy has announced the creation of a task force to study the dangers of vaping, and come back with regulatory and legislative recommendations within three weeks.
Vaping News Got You Scared Enough? Illegal Vape Products May Be To Blame
With more than 450 vaping-related pulmonary illnesses and a half dozen deaths across the U.S., vaping has recently come under federal scrutiny and public outcry, but the issue is far from being cut and dried. . . Elected officials, likewise - from state Senate President Steve Sweeney to President Donald Trump - have chimed in, calling for the ban of vape products. The former head of the FDA, Scott Gottlieb, however, believes the blame lies not with regulated products, but with those on the illicit market.
Murphy Announces Task Force To Study Vaping
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on Thursday announced the creation of a task force that will study the dangers of vaping and deliver recommendations in three weeks. . . Murphy said the group will make both regulatory and legislative recommendations, and has carte blanche to propose major policy changes.
Energy Information Agency Weekly Retail Gasoline Prices
Each week, the Energy Information Administration publishes a list of average gasoline prices for the previous three weeks. NJGCA will begin including this list with the Weekly Road Warrior. Remember, these prices are reflective of self-serve everywhere except NJ.
Classifieds: For Sale and Help Wanted Ads

New! Business For Sale: Business for sale and lease: 6 lifts, 10 spaces, plenty of parking, fleet accounts, loyal customer base. 50 years in business. Turn key operation, busy corner highway. All stock and equipment, tools included. Used car dealer license, transmission shop equipment also included. Email: viener@outlook.com for more details.

Business For Sale: Monmouth County gas station and repair shop in business since 2001 is for sale. Owner is relocating out of state and is interested in selling business and equipment. Owner is open to limited financing. Business has a strong 10 year lease. The building has two repair bays and the gas pumps are leased to a large independent tenant. Repair shop business currently employs a Manager and two full-time Technicians. For inquiries and more info, please call Mark at 908-670-7798.
New! Parts For Sale: Incon TS-1000 tank monitor works well just taken out of service. Printer is aprox 2 months old. Also, Incon 8, tank probes. System replaced because on an Exxon upgrade. Call John Twin Towers Exxon (201) 224-8444
