Educational Events to Benefit Your Business
We came across two events coming up in the next few weeks that we thought to bring to your attention. The first is a free webinar next Thursday, September 21, at 12 PM hosted by the New Jersey Business Action Center titled “Small Business, Big Threats: Together for a Cyber Resilient Tomorrow.” The webinar will cover cyber threats businesses come across on a daily basis, such as phishing/smishing, ransomware, and business email compromise. Even the smallest businesses can be affected by these devastating scams. You can sign up to join the webinar HERE.
If you are a business owner that operates a UST, this event is for you! On October 12th NJDEP together with NJ Weights & Measures and the Department of Community Affairs Division of Fire Safety will cohost an in-person event in Hamilton on overall compliance requirements for underground storage tank systems, including the fuel dispensing systems, and other requirements for permitting, equipment, testing and site inspections. Additional topics will cover commonly found violations and how to avoid them. This seminar will be an ideal opportunity for facility owners, operators, and compliance managers to learn (or review) the NJ requirements and ask questions to any, or all of the three regulatory groups. Someone from NJGCA will be there too if you have any questions, or feel free to ask the departments any questions directly. For more event information and to register, click HERE.