Taking Advantage of Your NJGCA Benefits to Save a Few Bucks
Small business owners are continually seeking ways to streamline costs, create efficiencies, and improve profits. This is only natural, as any dollars saved will mean making your payroll, meeting obligations, reinvesting in your business – and paying yourself – a little easier. This is an admirable mindset, but sometimes helpful resources go unnoticed in helping you meet those goals.
Last week we heard from a member asking for advice on how he could save on his monthly overhead. The discussion yielded a few unexpected observations, one of which we thought to share here.
After a few minutes chatting, we learned that our member was not making good use of the Member Benefit Partner (MBP) program to save money. Of particular interest was his workers’ compensation insurance, and the failure to potentially realize a cash dividend every year.
Taking a step back, if you are an employer in New Jersey, you are required to provide workers’ compensation coverage. And though premium rates are set by law, and there are multiple agencies with which you can give your business, not every program has a history of returning a premium dividend to policyholders—but NJGCA does!
For 20 years, AmeriTrust has partnered with NJGCA to provide workers’ compensation to small business owners. They know our industries, and unlike other programs, there is a potential dividend payment each year to NJGCA members in good standing.
And though there can never be a guaranteed dividend paid out (no one can predict the number of claims that will be submitted or assessed each year), AmeriTrust has a reliable track record of consistently returning a portion of the premium paid to policyholders. No one else does that for our industry, as consistently, as AmeriTrust does.
While workers’ compensation rates are standardized, the possibility of a dividend is akin to a “discount savings” or “found money” on what is otherwise a mandatory yearly fixed cost of doing business.
This is a very successful program for Association members. We have yet to meet any small business owner (or individual, for that matter) who wouldn’t appreciate keeping a few extra dollars for yourself. This a no-brainer. Everyone should be taking advantage of it and saving money.
If you are interested in speaking to someone about this program, please contact Nick@njgca.org or Joe@njgca.org and ask them to put you in touch with the folks at AmeriTrust.