6/22/22 Gas Exec Refutes Reasoning Why We Can't Pump Our Own Gas In NJ So how did we get into this fine mess in the first place? Why can't New Jersey people pump our own gas? An article in the New York Post says "the New Jersey legislature has published 10 findings and declarations that detail why people aren't allowed to pump gas themselves." I asked Sal Risalvato of the New Jersey Gasoline-Convenience-Automotive Association to reply to the 10 findings in the Post article. 6/22/22 Small N.J. Businesses Desperately Need Tax Relief After Pandemic Unemployment Surge, Leaders Say The New Jersey Assembly recently passed legislation that would ease the burden of tax increases on small businesses after a surge in unemployment claims during the pandemic depleted the state's Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. Now business leaders are taking aim at getting the bill passed in the state Senate. Businesses are confronting about $250 million in added taxes this fiscal year and an additional $600 million or more over the next two years, according to the New Jersey Business and Industry Association. 6/22/22 Why A NJ Gas Tax Holiday Is Unlikely As Biden Plans Federal Break To Ease Pain At The Pump New Jersey's Democratic leaders are reluctant to suspend the state gas tax despite the call from President Joe Biden for states to consider following the federal government's lead as inflation and the war in Ukraine cause prices at the pump to skyrocket. Gov. Phil Murphy and legislative leaders said that since the state's gas tax is legally dedicated to the Transportation Trust Fund, which pays for road and bridge projects, suspending it would ultimately cost more than it saves. 6/23/22 FTC Revs Up 'Right To Repair' Fight With Harley-Davidson Agreement Harley-Davidson and a Westinghouse generator maker have agreed to drop some restrictions on who repairs their products, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday. The agency voted last year to make it a priority to push manufacturers to stop requiring consumers to use licensed dealers to repair items ranging from smartphones to farm equipment. Critics say the practice raises prices for consumers and shuts out independent repair shops. The FTC said in its complaint against Harley-Davidson, which was released at the same time as the consent agreement, that it had objected to language used by the motorcycle maker such as "the use of parts and service procedures other than Harley-Davidson approved parts and service procedures may void the limited warranty." Under the agreement, Harley-Davidson agreed that it would not void warranties because the buyer used third-party parts or unauthorized service centers. 6/23/22 Repair Shops Laud Passage Of 'Right To Repair' Bill In New York But that's about to change as New York has become the first state in the nation to pass a right to repair law. The law will allow individuals and small businesses like Alfredo's to repair their electronic devices locally instead of having to ship them out to the companies that make them. It will also allow public access to manuals and replacement parts instead of having to buy from third parties. Caceres says demand for third party repair shops is high because they save consumers money. According to USPIRG, right to repair will save New Yorkers $2.4 billion per year. 6/23/22 Oil Refiners an Easy, but Odd, Target for Pump-Price Surge Gasoline prices are at records, and refiners' spectacular profits are putting them in the hot seat. They are an obvious, but odd, target. The White House confirmed in a briefing on Tuesday that oil majors and refinery executives will meet with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday to discuss ways to reduce costs for energy consumers. Last week President Biden sent a letter to oil-refinery executives, accusing them of reaping profits at the expense of consumers and urging them to expand capacity. 6/24/22 New Jersey's Small Town Gas Stations: The Front Lines of the Global Price War In most of them, there's a few longtime gas stations that hired high school kids in summer to work the pumps, fixed kids' bikes, sponsored community sports teams and tuned up your cars. I visited with the owner of one such station in North Jersey to get a bottom-up view of this $5 a gallon world. We read, see, talk and tweet a gazillion reasons among each other as to why this is happening: Sleazy oil companies. Global warming. Russians. Inflation. Politicians. On and on. It seems only the Kardashians have escaped blame for this. The last domino in this tantrum trail is the guy or gal for whom you roll down your car window maybe twice a week, gulp out "fill it up please," and then groan as you shell out $80 to $100 each time for that, uh, privilege. 6/26/22 N.J. Lawmakers Pull Back From Costly Auto Insurance Plan, But 1 Million May Still Pay More New Jersey lawmakers appear to have struck a deal on a pared-down auto insurance reform bill after a more costly proposal for New Jersey drivers stalled. However, more than 1 million people in the state would still pay more each year if the latest bill is signed into law. A state Assembly committee on Thursday approved legislation that would hike the minimum amount of liability insurance in the Garden State from its current $15,000 coverage to $25,000 beginning in 2023, and a minimum of $35,000 starting in 2026. 6/27/22 Lawmakers Advance $50.6 Billion Budget, Setting Up Final Vote Committees in both chambers of the Legislature approved a $50.6 billion spending bill Monday evening, preparing the record spending plan for votes before both chambers of the legislature on Wednesday. Gov. Phil Murphy is expected to sign the 277-page budget on Thursday, the deadline to avoid a state shutdown that would be embarrassing and politically damaging for him and Democrats that hold control of both legislative chambers. 6/28/22 Costco's Plan To Sell Gas To Members Only Doesn't Violate State Law Costco's announcement that it will limit gasoline sales at its gas stations to members only starting July 5 doesn't violate state consumer protection laws, state officials said Tuesday. "The practice of offering members-only gasoline sales does not violate any of New Jersey's consumer protection laws," said Steve Barnes, a state Consumer Affairs spokesman. Non-member motorists learned the news on June 7 when signs went up at Costco gas stations across the state, warning them an active membership card would be required to buy gas. 6/29/22 Members-Only Gas At Costco Stations Is Legal In NJ And It Starts July 5 The state Divison of Consumer Affairs has given its blessing to Costco changing its policy to require a membership to buy gas. When Costco first opened gas stations in New Jersey in 2004, the warehouse chain was told by the state Division of Consumer Affairs it could not require a membership for the purchase of gasoline because it violated state law regarding fuel sales, according to news coverage at the time. State officials, however, have been unable to point to the law or regulation that supposedly was on the books at the time. What matters now is that no prohibition currently exists. . . Sal Risavado, executive director of the New Jersey Gasoline, C-Store, and Automotive Association said when questions first came out about Costco's new policy, the DCA contacted him for help to identify the law. "They can't find something from 2004 because the way it doesn't exist today is that it didn't exist in 2004, either," he said. "My experience with the Division of Consumer Affairs officials back in that era is that they would look to do anything to make themselves look like a bunch of heroes. That is not my experience today." |