D.C. Circuit Court Upholds Net Neutrality Rules
On June 14, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled to uphold the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) 2015 Open Internet Order, or net neutrality rules. In its decision, the court ruled that the FCC had the proper authority to reclassify broadband internet as a common carrier telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act. This classification allows the FCC to legally enforce its rules against Internet Service Providers (ISP) blocking, throttling, or otherwise inhibiting users' access to legal content, and creating paid prioritization or "fast lanes" where users or content providers must pay more for faster service. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler called the ruling "a victory for consumers and innovators who desire unfettered access to the entire web" (
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Charitable Giving Update
PAA recently joined the Alliance for Charitable Reform, Independent Sector, and other nonprofit advocates on Capitol Hill to talk to lawmakers about the impact of charitable giving tax policies on our sector. Advocates met with several House and Senate staff to encourage support for legislation such as the Charities Helping Americans Regularly Throughout the Year Act (CHARITY), The Public Good IRA Rollover Act, and the Grow Philanthropy Act.
The timing was appropriate as House Republicans released an outline of tax reform priorities last week. The so-called "blueprint" eliminates all deductions except the charitable and mortgage interest deductions, among other changes that may have both a positive and negative impact on charitable giving. Legislative action is not expected this year, however PAA will continue to advocate towards preserving the full scope and value of charitable giving incentives (
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Special Report on ESSA from Education Commission of the States

The new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law in December 2015, replacing the federal education law currently known as No Child Left Behind. ESSA opens up many opportunities for states and districts to invest in activities that support a well-rounded education, including the new Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants and the Assistance for Arts Education program. This Special Report from Education Commission of the States reviews the components of ESSA's prevalent "well-rounded education" concept and potential ways that states can support educational access for every student under this new law. You can download the report
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Deadline Approaching for Art Works Grant
The second deadline for the National Endowment for the Arts' (NEA) Art Works grant program is coming up on Thursday, July 14. Art Works funding supports projects that strengthen communities and encourage public engagement and learning in the arts. The full program description and application guidelines are available
here on the NEA's website. You can also learn about
previous Art Works grantees and the work they are doing to serve their communities with support from the NEA.
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Rep. Elijah Cummings Addresses League of American Orchestras

View the Honorable Elijah E. Cummings' impassioned speech, delivered at the closing plenary session of the 2016 League of American Orchestras conference on June 11 in Baltimore. His deeply personal remarks commended the orchestra world for examining the issues of diversity and inclusivity, spoke of his own urgent desire as a child to learn music, and implored the arts community to continue reaching out to all sectors of society.
Don't Forget to Visit Your Elected Officials During Recess!

Legislators are headed back to their states and districts for the July 4th recess. Contact your legislators to thank them for their support of policies that affect the performing arts sector, or encourage them to consider the important impact our sector has on their communities. Check out our advocacy toolkit for helpful hints on making contact with your lawmakers.