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RxIMPACT "U" Network
October 30, 2019 by NACDS
The RxIMPACT "U" Network is a network of campuses committed to engaging students and faculty in the policymaking process through grassroots action!

This exciting network of pharmacy school campuses will work to advance NACDS policy goals through organized outreach and action at U.S. accredited schools and colleges of pharmacy and more importantly, educate and train the next generation of pharmacy students to be leaders and ambassadors for the profession!

Network partners use RxIMPACT alerts, materials and resources to educate its community on NACDS policy positions and rationale, the basics of policymaking, effective constituent communications, and the role grassroots and politics play in policymaking activities. This network will use RxIMPACT resources to communicate policymaking process education alongside exercises that help build and build upon skills to move beyond letter writing campaigns to phone call campaigns and ultimately to face-to-face policymaker meetings.

Upon registering to become part of the Network, the participating school identifies one faculty preceptor and student management position to engage the campus generally and promote grassroots campaigns as identified by RxIMPACT. Students promote campus action in response to RxIMPACT alerts and advocate for the profession on a sustained basis.

If you would like to learn more about the RxIMPACT "U" Network, please contact Heidi Ecker, NACDS Director of Government Affairs and Grassroots Programs via email at Hecker@nacds.org or phone at 703-837-4121 or Alex Adams, PharmD, NACDS Pharmacy Programs Director via email at AAdams@nacds.org or phone at 703-837-4232.
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